Results for 'Gloria T. Lau'

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  1.  66
    Regulation retrieval using industry specific taxonomies.Chin Pang Cheng, Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Jiayi Pan & Albert Jones - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 16 (3):277-303.
    Increasingly, taxonomies are being developed and used by industry practitioners to facilitate information interoperability and retrieval. Within a single industrial domain, there exist many taxonomies that are intended for different applications. Industry specific taxonomies often represent the vocabularies that are commonly used by the practitioners. Their jobs are multi-faceted, which include checking for code and regulatory compliance. As such, it will be very desirable if industry practitioners are able to easily locate and browse regulations of interest. In practice, multiple sources (...)
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  2. Environmental science and technology.J. C. Bare & T. P. Gloria - 2006 - Critical Review (University of Melbourne) 40 (4):1104-1113.
  3.  29
    Personal business ethics in global business: a cross-cultural study between France and the US.Thomas Tanner, Loan N. T. Pham, Wai Kwan Lau, Jet Mboga & Lam D. Nguyen - 2021 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    (1 other version)Attitudes toward business ethics: Empirical investigation on different moral philosophies among business students in Vietnam.Dina Clark, Thomas Tanner, Loan N. T. Pham, Wai Kwan Lau & Lam D. Nguyen - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 14 (3):1.
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  5. Why Trust Raoult? How Social Indicators Inform the Reputations of Experts.T. Y. Branch, Gloria Origgi & Tiffany Morisseau - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (3):299-316.
    The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the considerable challenge of sourcing expertise and determining which experts to trust. Dissonant information fostered controversy in public discourse and encouraged an appeal to a wide range of social indicators of trustworthiness in order to decide whom to trust. We analyze public discourse on expertise by examining how social indicators inform the reputation of Dr. Didier Raoult, the French microbiologist who rose to international prominence as an early advocate for using hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. To (...)
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    Preface.M. I. Lau, T. Neugebauer & U. Schmidt - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (3):287-290.
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  7. Social Indicators of Trust in the Age of Informational Chaos.T. Y. Branch & Gloria Origgi - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (5):533-540.
    Expert knowledge regularly informs personal and civic-decision making. To decide which experts to trust, lay publics —including policymakers and experts from other domains—use different epistemic and non-epistemic cues. Epistemic cues such as honesty, like when experts are forthcoming about conflicts of interest, are a popular way of understanding how people evaluate and decide which experts to trust. However, many other epistemic cues, like the evidence supporting information from experts, are inaccessible to lay publics. Therefore, lay publics simultaneously use second-order social (...)
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    Cultural differences in coping with interpersonal tensions lead to divergent shorter- and longer-term affective consequences.Gloria Luong, Carla M. Arredondo & Susan T. Charles - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1499-1508.
    Culture influences how people cope with interpersonal tensions, with those from more collectivistic contexts ) generally opting for strategies promoting social harmony w...
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    Bacterial Baptism: Scientific, Medical, and Regulatory Issues Raised by Vaginal Seeding of C-Section-Born Babies.Noel T. Mueller, Suchitra K. Hourigan, Diane E. Hoffmann, Lauren Levy, Erik C. von Rosenvinge, Betty Chou & Maria-Gloria Dominguez-Bello - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (4):568-578.
    Several lines of evidence suggest that children born via Cesarean section are at greater risk for adverse health outcomes including allergies, asthma and obesity. Vaginal seeding is a medical procedure in which infants born by C-section are swabbed immediately after birth with vaginal secretions from the mother. This procedure has been proposed as a way to transfer the mother's vaginal microbiome to the child, thereby restoring the natural exposure that occurs during vaginal birth that is interrupted in the case of (...)
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    Examining the Moderating Role of Patient Enablement on the Relationship Between Health Anxiety and Psychosomatic Distress: A Cross-Sectional Study at a Traditional Chinese Medicine Outpatient Clinic in Hong Kong.Celia H. Y. Chan, Bobo H. P. Lau, Timothy H. Y. Chan, H. T. Leung, Georgina Y. K. So & Cecilia L. W. Chan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Authentic assessment for student learning: an ontological conceptualisation.Thuy T. Vu & Gloria Dall’Alba - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (7):1-14.
    Authentic assessment has been proposed as having potential to enhance student learning for a changing world. Conventionally, assessment is seen to be authentic when the tasks are real-to-life or have real-life value. Drawing on Martin Heidegger’s work, we challenge this conceptualisation as narrow and limited. We argue that authenticity need not be an attribute of tasks but, rather, is a quality of educational processes that engage students in becoming more fully human. Adopting the mode of authenticity involves calling things into (...)
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    Transcriptional regulation of beta-secretase by p25/cdk5 leads to enhanced amyloidogenic processing.Y. Wen, W. H. Yu, B. Maloney, J. Bailey, J. Ma, I. Marie, T. Maurin, L. Wang, H. Figueroa, M. Herman, P. Krishnamurthy, L. Liu, E. Planel, L. F. Lau, D. K. Lahiri & K. Duff - 2008 - Neuron 57:680-90.
    Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 has been implicated in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of p25, an activator of cdk5, led to increased levels of BACE1 mRNA and protein in vitro and in vivo. A p25/cdk5 responsive region containing multiple sites for signal transducer and activator of transcription was identified in the BACE1 promoter. STAT3 interacts with the BACE1 promoter, and p25-overexpressing mice had elevated levels of pSTAT3 and BACE1, whereas cdk5-deficient mice had reduced levels. Furthermore, mice with a (...)
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  13. Ontology of finance.Gloria Sansò & Barry Smith (eds.) - forthcoming - Rosenberg & Sellier.
    One famous scene in The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) is the dialogue between the young Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) and the expert trader Mark Hanna (Matthew McConaughey). Hanna is complaining that the stock market is unpredictable; it’s “fugazi … it’s fairy dust. It doesn’t exist. It’s never landed. It is not matter. It’s not on the element chart. It’s not real”. But the fact that something is unpredictable and non-physical does not imply that it does not exist. On the (...)
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    Feelings of Entrapment and Defeat Mediate the Association Between Self-Esteem and Depression Among Transgender Women Sex Workers in China.Ruijie Chang, Huwen Wang, Rui She, Shuxian Zhang, Lhakpa Tsamlag, Qiuming Shen, Yue Shi, Zixin Wang, Joseph T. F. Lau, Ying Wang & Yong Cai - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Qigong Training Positively Impacts Both Posture and Mood in Breast Cancer Survivors With Persistent Post-surgical Pain: Support for an Embodied Cognition Paradigm.Ana Paula Quixadá, Jose G. V. Miranda, Kamila Osypiuk, Paolo Bonato, Gloria Vergara-Diaz, Jennifer A. Ligibel, Wolf Mehling, Evan T. Thompson & Peter M. Wayne - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Theories of embodied cognition hypothesize interdependencies between psychological well-being and physical posture. The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of objectively measuring posture, and to explore the relationship between posture and affect and other patient centered outcomes in breast cancer survivors with persistent postsurgical pain over a 12-week course of therapeutic Qigong mind-body training. Twenty-one BCS with PPSP attended group Qigong training. Clinical outcomes were pain, fatigue, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, stress and exercise self-efficacy. Posture outcomes were vertical (...)
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    Strengthening Capacity for Human Research Protections: A Joint Initiative of Yale University, CIDEIM, and UniValle.Gloria I. Palma Sandra L. Alfano, Laura E. Piedrahita, Kathleen T. Uscinski - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (5):16.
    As an international IRB collaboration project, we set out to develop an approach to enhance the understanding of issues related to the conduct of human research with an international partner. While the larger project included two specific aims, the activities supporting the first aim are addressed in this paper—specifically, human research protection program capacity strengthening in Cali, Colombia, through the development of an infrastructure that supports the conduct of human research with appropriate protection of subjects and access to new resources (...)
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  17. Ontology of finance: an introduction.Gloria Sansò & Barry Smith - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 84 (3):3-6.
    One famous scene in The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) is the dialogue between the young Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) and the expert trader Mark Hanna (Matthew McConaughey). Hanna is complaining that the stock market is unpredictable; it’s “fugazi … it’s fairy dust. It doesn’t exist. It’s never landed. It is not matter. It’s not on the element chart. It’s not real”. But the fact that something is unpredictable and non-physical does not imply that it does not exist. On the (...)
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    Monumentos de cultura: testimonios de barbarie: Monuments of Culture: Testimony of Savagery.Alicia Gloria Auxiliadora Rubio - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 8:137-144.
    Toda imagen es un modo de mirar, de descubrir la realidad. La mirada del pintor o la del fotógrafo guarda para el futuro una parte, infinitesimal, del espacio. Solamente queda para la posteridad lo que ellos quieren que perdure. Las imágenes hablaron durante siglos acerca del pasado. Las pinturas retrataban las costumbres de la sociedad. La autoridad consagrada por el orden imperante resultaba reforzada por el arte canónico. Después de la invención de la fotografía las imágenes de guerra dejaron de (...)
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  19. Freedom, Spontaneity and the Noumenal Perspective.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2008 - Kant Studien 99 (3):312-338.
    For Kant, both morality and the possibility of objective knowledge presuppose freedom. His theory of freedom is based on the distinction between phenomena and noumena, concepts which represent two different ways of viewing things. The question, however, is whether it is justified to take the noumenal perspective in addition to the phenomenal one. Isn’t freedom an illusion, if we regard ourselves as free, while in fact we are not? The crux of the problem lies in recognizing that there is no (...)
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    La desmaterialización Del orden familiar Y la figura Del padre en cuando éramos inmortales de Arturo Fontaine T.Carmen Gloria Godoy R. - 2009 - Alpha (Osorno) 29.
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    Maxi-Adjustment and Possibilistic Deduction for Adaptive Information Agents.Raymond Lau, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede & Peter D. Bruza - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (1-2):169-201.
    The expressive power of logic is believed to be able to model most of the fundamental aspects of information retrieval. However, it is also understood that classical logic is ineffective for handling partiality and uncertainty in IR. Applying non-classical logics such as the AGM belief revision logic and the possibilistic logic to adaptive information retrieval is appealing since they provide a powerful and rigorous framework to model partiality and uncertainty inherent in any IR processes. The maxi-adjustment method, which is an (...)
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    Measure Less, Succeed More: A Zen Approach to Organisational Balance and Effectiveness.Michael L. Barnett & Gloria Cahill - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (1):147-162.
    Over the last decade, managers have increasingly emphasised the creation of tangible measures of intangible organisational properties. Many major corporations now include measures for intellectual capital, knowledge capital, reputational capital, and other such intangible assets on their financial ledgers. Counter to the rubric that ‘If it doesn’t get measured, it doesn’t get done,’ we argue that some intangibles are truly intangible, and attempts to apply tangible measures to them creates undue organisational stress and harms the underlying asset. Instead, managers may (...)
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  23. Barry Smith an sich.Gerald J. Erion & Gloria Zúñiga Y. Postigo (eds.) - 2017 - Cosmos + Taxis.
    Festschrift in Honor of Barry Smith on the occasion of his 65th Birthday. Published as issue 4:4 of the journal Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization. Includes contributions by Wolfgang Grassl, Nicola Guarino, John T. Kearns, Rudolf Lüthe, Luc Schneider, Peter Simons, Wojciech Żełaniec, and Jan Woleński.
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    Living Chinese Philosophy.Roger T. Ames - 2015 - In T. Ames Roger (ed.). pp. 207-220.
    The title of this essay, ›Living Chinese Philosophy‹ is a double entendre that captures the transformative nature of Chinese philosophy for those who study it, and the fact that it is a philosophical tradition taking the ordinary affairs of the day as both source of philosophical reflection and warrant for the conclusions reached. The goal of the canonical texts is not only to provide a vocabulary for thinking cogently about philosophical issues, but more importantly to encourage a personal cultivation directed (...)
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  25. Summa metaphysicae ad mentem sancti Thomae: Essays in Honor of John F. Wippel.Therese Cory & Gregory T. Doolan (eds.) - 2024 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    This volume is a tribute to Fr. John F. Wippel. Following the philosophical order that Aquinas might have adopted "had he chosen to write a Summa metaphysicae"—an order that Wippel himself lays out in his Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas—these essays unfold new research on some of the most intriguing topics in Aquinas’s metaphysics, from the most recent generation of scholars formed by Wippel’s pioneering work. -/- The contributors address the discovery of being qua being via separation (Gregory T. Doolan), (...)
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    Still Gloria: Personal Identity and Dementia.Françoise Baylis - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (1):210-224.
    Beverly Beckham writes in the Boston Globe in praise of Lisa Genova’s Still Alice: “You have to get this book. … I couldn’t put it down. …” After I read Still Alice, a book of fiction about an accomplished Harvard professor with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, I too wanted to tell everyone to get this book, but not because “I couldn’t put it down.” The first time I read it, I put it down several times to cry. It was too painful (...)
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    Hurricane Gloria.Lawrence Dugan - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):65-68.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hurricane Gloria LAWRENCE DUGAN A screaming northern gale flew past his wild words And slammed the sails, and pulled a wave toward heaven. —Aeneid, i.102–3 (Sarah Ruden, trans.) i. A phalanx of weather tools at the door, A shovel, an ice-pick, an umbrella, A new cane, leaning against each other, Plastic fabricated to resist storms, Reminds me of a storm I rode out years ago, The Nor’easter of (...)
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    Spiritual Activism and Praxis: Gloria Anzaldúa’s Mature Spirituality.Christopher D. Tirres - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (1):119-140.
    gloria evangelina anzaldúa has been hailed as one of most important cultural theorists of the past fifty years. Her work, especially her groundbreaking Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, continues to animate many contemporary discourses, especially those concerned with cultural and linguistic hybridity, intersectionality, and women of color feminism. Yet one may ask: What is Anzaldúa's distinctive contribution to contemporary discourses of spirituality and religion? In a 1993 interview, Anzaldúa herself lays bare the relative inattention that critics have given to (...)
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  29. Why don’t builders meet their deadlines? With M*l*n K*nd*ra.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Diego Gambetta and Gloria Origgi describe Italy as a country in which there is a widespread preference for promising high quality goods and delivering low quality goods. Builders are presented as an example. Gambetta and Origgi make proposals regarding why there are these preferences. I was going to ask, why don’t they just try being builders for a while? But metaphorically speaking, they are builders, which makes explaining the problems they face easier.
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    Philosophical Letter Writing: A Look at Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s “Reply” and Gloria Anzaldúa’s “Speaking in Tongues”.Margaret Newton - 2017 - The Pluralist 12 (1):101-109.
    scholars often use letter correspondences to uncover missing historical information. For example, while searching for the influential but unacknowledged women in the history of pragmatism, Charlene Haddock Seigfried discovered John Dewey’s letters to Elsie Ripley Clapp. Using these letters, Seigfried defended Clapp’s name as an early pragmatist. Similarly, Joan Smith cited Dewey’s letter to John T. McManis to show that Ella Flagg Young likewise influenced Dewey’s work. More recently, Eduardo Mendieta has defended a different approach to letters, and argues that (...)
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    One corner of the square: essays on the philosophy of Roger T. Ames.Ian M. Sullivan & Joshua Mason (eds.) - 2021 - Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
    In a historical moment when cross-cultural communication proves both necessary and difficult, the work of comparative philosophy is timely. Philosophical resources for building a shared future marked by vitality and collaborative meaning-making are in high demand. Taking note of the present global philosophical situation, this collection of essays critically engages the scholarship of Roger T. Ames, who for decades has had a central role in the evolution of comparative and nonwestern philosophy. With a reflective methodology that has produced creative translations (...)
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    Handbook of Roman Catholic Moral Terms by James T. Bretzke, SJ.John J. Fitzgerald - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):221-222.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Handbook of Roman Catholic Moral Terms by James T. Bretzke, SJJohn J. FitzgeraldHandbook of Roman Catholic Moral Terms James T. Bretzke, SJ washington, dc: georgetown university press, 2013. 260 pp. $24.95The Handbook of Roman Catholic Moral Terms continues the recent sequence of concise dictionaries published by Georgetown University Press, including the Key Words volumes for various religions and A Handbook of Bioethics Terms. James Bretzke’s contribution is especially (...)
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  33.  22
    Water and painting in Chile in XIXth. century. Composition, light and colour according by A. Smith, C. Wood and T. Somerscales. [REVIEW]Noemi Cinelli - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 51:41-56.
    Resumen: El presente artículo quiere ofrecer un análisis de la evolución de la pintura chilena del siglo XIX, indagada a partir de la interpretación del tema hídrico en la producción pictórica de tres de los artistas más representativos en los ámbitos de la pintura de paisaje, del marinismo y de la pintura de glorias navales. En particular nos referiremos a las creaciones de Antonio Smith, Charles Wood y Thomas Somerscales, cuyas representaciones de ríos, lagos y sobre todo del Océano Pacífico (...)
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    Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology.Barbara Smith - 2000 - Rutgers University Press.
    The pioneering anthology Home Girls features writings by Black feminist and lesbian activists on topics both provocative and profound. Since its initial publication in 1983, it has become an essential text on Black women's lives and writings. This edition features an updated list of contributor biographies and an all-new preface that provides a fresh assessment of how Black women's lives have changed-or not-since the book was first published. Contributors are Tania Abdulahad, Donna Allegra, Barbara A. Banks, Becky Birtha, Julie Carter, (...)
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    Ethics and the Acquisition of Organs.T. M. Wilkinson - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Transplantation is a medically successful and cost-effective way to treat people whose organs have failed--but not enough organs are available to meet demand. T. M. Wilkinson explores the major ethical problems raised by policies for acquiring organs. Key topics include the rights of the dead, the role of the family, and the sale of organs.
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  36. Sessions with Pixie in P.S. 87: A Classroom Log.Matthew Lipman - 1982 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 3 (1):19-25.
    Early in 1982 I decided I needed to get some firsthand experience in the teaching of Pixie. Pixie had been published the previous year and was already in use in a number of school districts. Since I wasn't getting much feedback from the teachers, I decided to offer an abbreviated course in Pixie to some fourth graders. The school I selected was P.S. 87, in Manhattan. The principal, Naomi Hill, was hospitable to the idea, and the classroom teacher, Gloria (...)
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  37. Aristotle on the Sense-Organs.T. K. Johansen - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers an important study of Aristotle's theory of the sense-organs. It aims to answer two questions central to Aristotle's psychology and biology: why does Aristotle think we have sense-organs, and why does he describe the sense-organs in the way he does? The author looks at all the Aristotelian evidence for the five senses and shows how pervasively Aristotle's accounts of the sense-organs are motivated by his interest in form and function. The book also engages with the celebrated problem (...)
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  38. (1 other version)The Significance of Choice.T. M. Scanlon - 1982 - In Gary Watson (ed.), Free will. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  39. (2 other versions)Wrongness and Reasons: A Re-examination.T. M. Scanlon - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 2:5-20.
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  40. Tertiumne datur? Possessive pronouns and the bipartition of the lexicon.T. E. Zimmerman - 2004 - In Hans Kamp & Barbara Hall Partee (eds.), Context-dependence in the analysis of linguistic meaning. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 319--332.
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  41. Science and Education.T. H. Huxley - 1894 - International Journal of Ethics 5 (1):123-126.
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  42. (2 other versions)Philosophical Foundations of the Three Sociologies.T. Benton - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (1):160-161.
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  43. In J. Conant & J. Haugeland.T. S. Kuhn - 2000 - In Kuhn Thomas (ed.), The Road Since Structure. University of Chicago Press.
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  44. A History of Embryology.T. J. Horder, J. A. Witkowski & C. C. Wylie - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (1):174-177.
  45. (1 other version)Critical Notice: Catholicism and Liberalism by R. Bruce Douglass and David Hollenbach.T. Zenzinger - 2000 - Auslegung 23 (1):115-128.
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  46. Spatial-learning in the pigeon-an operant analog of the radial-arm Maze.T. R. Zentall, J. N. Steirn & P. Jacksonsmith - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):341-341.
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    (1 other version)Speculations.T. E. Hulme - 1924 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace. Edited by Herbert Read.
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  48. Ibn Rushd fī Kitāb Faṣl al-maqāl wa-taqrīr mā bayna al-sharīʻah wa-al-ḥikmah min al-ittiṣāl: ahamm al-mawḍūʻāt fī al-falsafah wa-al-fiqh wa-al-manhaj.Ṭarrād Ḥamādah - 2002 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Hādī.
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  49. God Loves Flags, But I Don't: Why the Pledge of Allegiance is an American Travesty.Kyle T. Morrison - 2013 - In Christian Hubert-Rodier (ed.), None. Hôtel des Bains Éditions.
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  50. Korespondencja S. i M. Ossowskich.T. D. Woyciechowska - 2001 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3-4).
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